Have you ever had a meal so incredibly delicious that you just close your eyes and beg it never to end? I hope you have because it is probably the most wonderful feeling associated with food a human can feel. That's how I felt this weekend when Andrew took me to Le Clos.Le Clo is a romantic, ... READ MORE »
A Fairy Tale Winery Experience
Hi friends!I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am extremely excited to share with you all that I got engaged this weekend! I am still on cloud 9 and taking in every moment from this blissful weekend. I'm not going to go into detail about the actual engagement but I do want to tell you all ... READ MORE »
Charleston Part III- Can I Just Be a Famous Chef?
Hi friends! I would like to start out by apologizing for the delayed postings this week. Unfortunately being a full time graduate student has its priority over the rest of my life. My metabolic biochemistry class is kicking my butt and not giving me any free time! I can't even remember the last ... READ MORE »
Charleston Part II- Food, Food, and more Food!
Now for my absolute favorite aspect of any trip....the local food. One of the reasons why Charleston has become such a popular destination is their culinary diversity. The minute Haley and I arrived in Charleston we began exploring its restaurants. We asked locals what their favorite spots were and ... READ MORE »
Charleston- Part I- Travel
Hello again! I am back from Charleston and eager to share all about my amazing trip. I am going to divide the trip into three different posts: travel, restaurants, and cooking class This post will be on the fun activities we did in Charleston. Tomorrow I will go into detail about the amazing food ... READ MORE »
Off to Charleston I Go!
Happy Friday everyone! I am officially off to explore the beautiful city of Charleston, South Carolina. I will be away from my blog for the next few days but don't worry I will be back with plenty to share. Some of the exciting things I will be doing is trying out new restaurants, visiting the ... READ MORE »
Travel Thursday- Dominica Republic
Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by! I have decided that every Thursday will be "Travel Thursday" on my blog. I have been incredibly fortunate enough to do some traveling and I want to share it with you! I will include amazing restaurants I ate at and great deals I found. I hope that it will inspire ... READ MORE »
A Smarter Choice
Happy Hump Day! We have successfully made it through the hardest part of the week. Now just two more days until the weekend. I wanted to start today by sharing a quote I came across yesterday:"All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and ... READ MORE »
Burger Burger Burger
I have a question for you today. What is your favorite food? Someone asked me this recently and I realized what a difficult question it was. But as I sat there thinking to myself about the one item that makes me the happiest when I eat, I realized how it easy it was, a ... READ MORE »
A Tickled Pink Organizer
I hope you are having a lovely Monday! Today's post will focus more on the fashion aspect of my blog. This weekend I was fortunate enough to do a little shopping. For those of you who know me know how much I love to shop. But then again what Southern woman doesn't? :) I am extremely "girly" and love ... READ MORE »