Happy Friday friends! Today I want to talk about a question I get ALL the time about my chicks- what treats do I give my flock? The answer really depends on their age but today I am going to break it down for you. Treats are a great way to get your chicks to trust and love you so I consider this an important topic. At the end of the day we all want our chicks to be friendly and love us, right?
When To Start and How Much
It is safe to start offering treats when your chicks turn 2 weeks old. You want to wait at least 2 weeks so it gives your chicks a chance to learn to eat their well balanced feed. From my experience, my chicks don’t usually seem very interested in treats this young. A few things I offer are crumbled hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs (with no salt or butter) and cooked oatmeal.
If your chicks DO like treats this young, make sure to put a small bowl of chick grit next to their food. You only need to do this if your chicks are eating treats so it will help with digestion. My go-to Chick Grit is by Manna Pro because it’s tiny and has probiotics in it. If you can’t find specific chick grit you can use regular grit (usually sold as crushed oyster shells) and smash it up so it’s small enough for your chicks to eat.
In regards to amount, treats should make up no more than 10 percent of their total intake. This is a good rule of thumb for all birds in your flock, no matter their age.
Once my chicks turn 3 weeks old they seem much more interested in treats. My favorite treat to give them is live earthworms! Some people might find this gross but I love finding earthworms in our yard and offering them to the chicks. They go crazy over them! They will try and steal it from each other and it’s quite entertaining to watch. I also give my chicks fruit like blueberries at this age.
Another go-to treat for my chicks is Manna Pro’s Chick Stick. My girls LOVE their chick stick! It usually last 2-3 weeks and keeps them busy for hours! You just hang it up in their brooder and watch them enjoy it!
Older Chicken Treats

As my chicks get older and are able to consume larger treats, I start giving them a wide variety of foods to try. I really love this graphic that I found on one of my chicken groups because it breaks down what safe and non safe foods are. I keep this on my phone and look at it anytime I am going to give a new treat. Here are a few examples of what my girls love to eat-
- Dried Mealworms
- Plain Yogurt or Cottage Cheese
- Fruit and Veggies- my chickens love blueberries, tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, apples, grapes, lettuce, cucumbers and squash.
- Fresh herbs- oregano, parsley, rosemary, mint and cilantro
- Pumpkin Seeds- unsalted
- Cooked grains- examples include spaghetti and oatmeal
- Corn on the cobb
- Corn chips
Hopefully this list has given you some ideas of treats for baby chicks in your flock. The options are numerous. Just be sure to follow the rules of moderation and adding grit along with the treats, and have fun watching your birds devour their treats!
Thank You for this it really is very helpful. When you give your chickens cooked spaghetti do you cut it up for them or can they eat it long?
Hi! I’m so sorry I am just seeing your comment. I usually cut it up for them!
Hello Peaches to PEars! I love your hen house and you soo much! i just wanted to say that i would love to see you with silkies and that they would totally match your vibe! anyway, Love you and your chicks! Thank you!
thank you sweet friend! I currently have 1 silkie but definitely need more in the future! XO