Revamping your Wardrobe as a New Mom
Losing touch with your sense of style can be a problem for many new moms, after all, you are no longer the most important person in your life and your lack of free time will be a challenge . With all of the drastic changes to both your lifestyle and body shape, it is not uncommon for the majority of us to find that our everyday wardrobe and appearance could slowly diminish in our growing list of priorities.
However, rediscovering your style and regaining your confidence as a new mom doesn’t have to be a difficult task. In the article below, Suzanne Bernie will discuss the ways that you can revamp your wardrobe, helping you to embody the fabulous new parent that you are and remember your beautiful new addition to the family will just enhance the stylish you!
Make the most of what you have
Undergoing a wardrobe makeover to rediscover your style as a new mom does not mean you need to throw out all the contents of your existing wardrobe and start from scratch. It is wise and cost effective to make the most of the clothes that are already successful pieces in your wardrobe and build the rest of your collection around the pieces that you already love. Ideally, you should only be getting rid of the pieces in your wardrobe that are no longer serving a purpose, such as old maternity clothing and anything else that doesn’t fit with your new lifestyle. If you find, over time, that you no longer reach for a particular piece, this is a good indication that it’s time to get rid!
Start with the basics
When working to reinvent or upgrade your style, it is important to first lay down a solid foundation from which you can build an overall personality of your wardrobe. No more excessive buying of cheap and badly made items to give you that short lived initial buzz, and cramming your wardrobe so you can’t see what you actually have. Instead invest in good staple pieces – good white tees, a great pair of jeans, cool tops/blouses, interesting jewellery and shoes etc. All of which will be a great help when it comes to creating cohesive looks. Allowing you to easily mix and match your wardrobe and effortlessly build fabulous, stylish outfits!
Ask the experts
If you still find yourself unsure of where to start, or simply don’t have the time to reinvent your style alone, employing expert advice is a great next step. Working with a professional is the only way to take the stress out of revamping your wardrobe, helping you to rediscover your sense of fashion and regain your confidence as a new mom. Taking you to a whole new level you never thought possible!
By working with a ‘styling for new moms’ service, you can revamp your wardrobe for all aspects of your life, all while investing in some quality ‘ME’ time! You will be provided with expert advice bespoke to you, your brief and your life and of course your budget. Helping you to look your very best and feel like a better and updated version of yourself. Giving you renewed energy to look after your baby, your partner and never forgetting YOURSELF!
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