Hi friends! Welcome back to Travel Thursdays! My favorite day on my blog because I get to tell you about some wonderful trips I have taken. Today I want to share with you about a recent trip I took to the Big Easy. New Orleans is the kind of city you can visit anytime of the year and never be ... READ MORE »
Life Without Gluten
Gluten Free Pumpkin Spice Cupcake Can you imagine what it would be like to give us delicious cupcakes, brownies, and cakes? Sounds awful to me! Unfortunately people who are allergic to gluten must do this. So what exactly is this gluten I speak of? Gluten is a protein found in the grains ... READ MORE »
Taste of Atlanta 2013
Remember when you were little how you felt when your parents took you to Chuck-e-Cheese? Well that's exactly how I felt this weekend at Taste of Atlanta. I had heard about it in the past but I was lucky enough to attend this year. Over 90 restaurants from all over Atlanta are featured at Taste of ... READ MORE »
Buford Farmers Market
Hi Friends!Today in my nutrition class I had to turn in one of my first assignments. The assignment was to visit an ethnic food market and write a report on it. I also had to make a full day meal plan for a family of four using only $10. I want to share my report with you to incorporate my nutrition ... READ MORE »
Best Dumplings in Atlanta + Cute Find of the Week
Happy Hump Day Friends!One of my favorite things about Atlanta is the abundance of different cultures in one city. You can literally find every type of food, market, specialty store here in Atlanta. For my number 110 new restaurant in Atlanta I decided it should be something ethnic! We ... READ MORE »
J’adore La Nourriture. I Love Food.
Have you ever had a meal so incredibly delicious that you just close your eyes and beg it never to end? I hope you have because it is probably the most wonderful feeling associated with food a human can feel. That's how I felt this weekend when Andrew took me to Le Clos.Le Clo is a romantic, ... READ MORE »
A Fairy Tale Winery Experience
Hi friends!I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am extremely excited to share with you all that I got engaged this weekend! I am still on cloud 9 and taking in every moment from this blissful weekend. I'm not going to go into detail about the actual engagement but I do want to tell you all ... READ MORE »
Charleston Part III- Can I Just Be a Famous Chef?
Hi friends! I would like to start out by apologizing for the delayed postings this week. Unfortunately being a full time graduate student has its priority over the rest of my life. My metabolic biochemistry class is kicking my butt and not giving me any free time! I can't even remember the last ... READ MORE »
Charleston Part II- Food, Food, and more Food!
Now for my absolute favorite aspect of any trip....the local food. One of the reasons why Charleston has become such a popular destination is their culinary diversity. The minute Haley and I arrived in Charleston we began exploring its restaurants. We asked locals what their favorite spots were and ... READ MORE »
Charleston- Part I- Travel
Hello again! I am back from Charleston and eager to share all about my amazing trip. I am going to divide the trip into three different posts: travel, restaurants, and cooking class This post will be on the fun activities we did in Charleston. Tomorrow I will go into detail about the amazing food ... READ MORE »