Photo CC: Tomas Espinoza
Happy Thursday my friends! Just one more day until fun costumes and special treats! Speaking of fun costumes- today I want to tell you about an incredibly fun event I went to last weekend called the Krog Masquerade. Some of you may of heard the controversy about this event last week on the news. In rebellion to the Krog Masquerade, very unhappy residents of Cabbagetown painted over the famous art work on the tunnel. They felt that their art was being exploited and preferred to paint over it then to have it used for the masquerade. What they didn’t know is that all proceeds for this specific event were actually benefiting the Georgia Lawyers for the Arts Foundation. This non profit organization focuses on helping artist in their time of need. Nevertheless, the show went on! This magical event was exactly that.. magical.
When we arrived the tunnel had been transformed to an enthusiastic masquerade. People from all over Atlanta came with their creative costumes and masks. Everyone we met at the masquerade was eager to see what was left of the art on the walls. Some of the art work was absolutely beautiful! Andrew and I had a blast meeting new people and dancing all night. The lovely ladies at Caren West PR did an excellent job with this event and as they always do- made the event unforgettable. A special thanks to Caren for the invitation and for allowing me to cover this event. Also, a special thanks to Tomas Espinoza for the pictures he captured of the event. Remember to keep these ladies in mind for any of your PR needs.
Stop by tomorrow for a very special Halloween edition of Fun Fashion Friday my friends! What are you dressing up as this Halloween?
Wow the event turned out so cool! I really wanted to go but had prior plans .. such a bummer! You look so pretty in your mask! Gold is your color!!
Cheers, Monique
Casually Chic by Monique
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So wish I had been able to go to – looks like it was quite the event!!