A special thanks to ParentEducate.com for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Happy Monday friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I spent the weekend with my trio- first time all by myself! Being a mother of three little ones is definitely exhausting but boy is it rewarding. Watching them play and embrace each other is the highlight of my life. It is very important that they learn to love, respect and cherish each other so I want to do everything possible to make this happen. I recently signed up and completed a new online course from Parenteducate.com called “Fostering Healthy Sibling Relationships” to help me better navigate having three children. I learned a tremendous amount in the course but I especially loved this quote- “A child’s siblings are arguably some of the most important people that will cross their path in life. They are their first friends, their greatest rivals and best buddies all in one. By encouraging a deep bond between your children, you will give them a gift that lasts a lifetime.” Having two siblings myself, I couldn’t agree more with this quote. I highly recommend this course for anyone expanding their family or currently trying to improve sibling relationships.
“A child’s siblings are arguably some of the most important people that will cross their path in life. They are their first friends, their greatest rivals and best buddies all in one. By encouraging a deep bond between your children, you will give them a gift that lasts a lifetime.”
About ParentEducate.com
ParentEducate.com is where parents go to learn from an ever-growing library of 80+ online research-based courses. With ParentEducate.com, parents can quickly become fluent in infant, toddler and preschool care through brief 20-30 minute courses. ChildCare Education Institute, the No. 1 trainer of pre-k and daycare teachers, is behind ParentEducate.com — so all courses are packed with the same skills and techniques taught to leading early childhood educators. All courses are available 24/7 on any device and can be started/stopped at any time, allowing families to conveniently learn how to parent like a pro. This is ideal for us busy Moms because we can take the quick courses in between naps and bedtime! At least that’s what I have been doing!
Courses I am Currently Loving: Siblings and Manners
In case you missed it, a few months ago I shared another blog post on what courses I was loving from ParentEducate.com. I love their nutrition and fitness courses and most recently, their sibling course. I also signed up for “Teaching About Manners and Respect” to take later this week. This course provides strategies you can use to teach your child about manners and respect. It also explains how you can reinforce the behaviors you want to see more of in the future. All very helpful and important for our family!
Whether you are a new parent or perhaps a more seasoned parent and want to learn about a specific topic, ParentEducate.com has something for everyone. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! Start your free 7-day trial by heading over to their website today! And, if you want to sign-up for a one-month subscription, you can use my code “MN1Month” to get 20% off now through 3/31/22.
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