- Alma Kitchen Cookies– These beautifully delicious cookies are the perfect gift for any hostess! I can honestly say they are the most elegant cookies I have ever seen. They currently have 3 different collections to shop from- fleur (my favorite), autumn and fête cookies.

2. Grace Rose Farm– These are hands down my favorite roses! Not only are they absolutely stunning, but they smell like a rose candle. This would be the most amazing hostess gift in my opinion! They also just launched beautiful rose prints and a fragrance line which includes a candle and perfume.

3. WREN Home Maple Board- This personalized maple board has been my favorite to use for supper clubs. They have various sizes so there is a price point for any budget. Use promo code LUISA20 to save 20% off your order!

4. Lum Luxe Candles– What hostess wouldn’t love luxurious candles? You can shop these beautiful candles based on mood or scent. Use promo code peachestopearls25 to save 25% off your order!

5. Personalized Christmas Ornament from White Elephant Designs– I am a huge fan of giving personalized hostess gifts and these little ornaments are absolutely precious! It would be so thoughtful to give your hostess her own ornament with either her initials or her families last name on it!

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