One of the best ways to care for your chickens and their diet is by providing them with herbs. There are a variety of herbs that are beneficial to a chicken’s health, and they are fairly inexpensive and easy to grow, depending on the climate. When it comes to keeping our flocks healthy, prevention is everything. By feeding them a few items from your garden you can help keep them from developing deficiencies and keep parasites away. These aren’t meant to TREAT your chickens but instead more for prevention. And it doesn’t hurt them so hey, why not? Here are just a few of the herbs I give my chickens on a daily basis:
Cayenne Pepper: The taste receptors that sense sweet or spicy flavors are inactive in birds so it is safe to give them! It can be immune boosting, brighten egg yolks and circulation stimulant. If you want to learn more about cayenne pepper benefits check out THIS blog post by The Pioneer Chicks.
Oregano: This herb strengthens the immune system of your flock and guards against common poultry illnesses. Including avian flu, salmonella, and more. You can give oregano to your chickens fresh or mix the dried herb into their daily feed.
Parsley: This herb is very high in nutrients and will give your chickens a vitamin boost. Parsley can also aid in blood vessel development. You can give this to your chickens fresh so they can eat it as they want, or it can be added dry into their feed.
Basil -immune support, repel pests & aids with mucus membrane health.
Make sure you check out the reel I did explaining how I create my herb batch. Happy Monday friends! 🐥
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