Happy Thursday friends! I am SO excited to finally share our finished mixed flock coop! It took me forever to get it pressure washed and painted so that was the hold up. But I am so happy that it’s completed! Many people have asked “why do you have two chicken coops?”. Long story short, when we sold our last house we thought our original chicken coop was staying as part of the sale. I quickly reached out to my dear friend Woodshop Mike and we came up with this coop plan! I knew I wanted to add ducks and turkeys to our flock so that is why it’s significantly bigger than our original coop. Well, when the sale did not include our smaller chicken coop we decided to pack it up and move it with us. That is why we have a small coop inside our yard and a large coop by the woods!
All About the Details
As mentioned above, this coop is much bigger than our other one. It actually has THREE rooms with two doors inside. Luxury living for my pets!! The first room is strictly a storage room. I keep their food and other supplies in there. The next room, which is the largest, has the roosting bars and nesting boxes. It also has the small door for them to exit to the run. The final room was intended for ducks and turkeys to lay in. It does not have a roosting bar but it does have a small door where they can exit to their fenced in backyard.
Like my original coop, I added vinyl flooring so it would be easy to clean up. I also added my usual pine shavings and nesting pads. For the outside I put boxwoods from Lowes in pots and added two solar powered lights. I used my old sign with the chickens names on it but plan to get an updated one soon. For paint color brand and information check out THIS blog post.
I hope you find this post helpful! We absolutely love our big coop and highly recommend getting a coop with a storage area. You can buy the plans HERE for a very low price!
If you have any specific questions please feel free to email me or leave a comment below.
Photos by my talented friend Ashlea Snell Photography.
I love this idea and plAn to do a Coup myself , my two questionS are 1. How do this work during the winter since i live in chiCago it Gets very cold?
2. Why did you decide to get other Animals as well ?, im mostly doing one for fresh eggs so im Just wondering if a few chickens would be enough ? ThAnks for All your help and ideas
Hi Claudia! chickens are actually very RESILIENT to the cold! As long as you make the coop safe from the snow and wind they will be fine. i add extra insulation in the form of straw and wood chips as well.
I started out with just chickens then slowly branched out to other animals. the ducks, turkeys and guineas are just pets- we do not eat them or their eggs. we do eat quail eggs!
We used woodshop Mikes’s plan for our big coop and love it! We dId elevate the hen House so They can Go undErneath and to make it difficult For predators to get iNside. Over the yearS, we’ve had the run enlarged! Now we have a smaller coop for the bantam sweEthearts. Ive heard quail eggs have amazing health benefits!