- Personalized Chicken Notepad– Every chicken lady needs a fancy notepad! How cute is this one my friend at Honey Bear Pages designed for Peaches to Pearls?

2. Travel Chicken Mug– This is my favorite coffee mug because not only does it have adorable chickens on it, but it also keeps my coffee warm ALL day! I’m not kidding- I pour it around 7 AM and it’s still warm by 3 PM.

3. Maple Garden Basket– How beautiful is this basket for eggs and fresh produce? It’s a little pricey so it would be the perfect gift for any special lady!

4. Garden Seed Box– Every gardener needs a beautiful seed box! This one is very affordable (only $22). My current favorite is this one but it’s a little pricer. Both boxes would be perfect gifts!

5. Pink Garden Hose and Hose Holder Kit– How beautiful is this hose? This is the perfect splurge for any garden lady!

6. Garden Journal- I have this beautiful journal and I use it to keep notes for all things gardening, chickens and quail. Anytime I come across a new tip (via magazines, books or the internet) I write it down! Wouldn’t this be a great gift for any garden or chicken lady?

7. Custom Coop Sign– Every chicken coop needs a beautiful sign! My friend Christen made this sign for my coop and she’s selling them from her shop! Not only will you be getting the perfect sign but you will also be supporting a small shop! Win win!

8. Humming Bird Feeder– My sweet friend got me this humming bird feeder and I absolutely love it! If your garden lady loves to feed birds, you will have to get her this little beauty!

9. Chicken Coop Christmas Ornament– Is this not the cutest ornament you have ever seen?? My sweet friend Taylor found it and sent it my way! You know I definitely bought it!
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